Raw Results

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Layla and Eve start the match off. Eve strikes first and applies a headlock. Eve with a shoulder and a 1 count. Eve goes to tag Maryse but Maryse kicks her in the gut. Eve rolls out after Maryse and they brawl on the floor. Eve throws Maryse into the fan barrier and goes back in the ring. Layla works over Eve and tags in Michelle McCool. Layla throws Eve into McCool for a clothesline. McCool mounts Eve on the mat and slams her head. McCool distracts the ref while Layla chokes Eve. McCool works on Eve's neck now. Eve counters it and drops McCool with an inverted DDT. Eve ducks McCool and hits a clothesline followed by two dropkicks. Eve hits a neckbreaker and gets a 2 count. Eve runs the ropes but Maryse tags herself in. Maryse and Eve have words. Maryse turns around to a big boot from Michelle McCool for the pinfall and the win.

Comments (4)

i really loved the match, eve is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo impressing, she carried the whole match.

Yeah it was a pretty good match Eve and Michelle work so well together its like Michelle can bring out the best in Eve.

Hopefully after Eve feuds with Maryse her and Natalya can go at it b/c thats another diva Eve has really good chemistry with in the ring.

Katie did you get my email?