Raw Results

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Kelly starts things out with one of the Bellas. They lock up and go to the corner. Kelly with kicks and a head scissors takedown. Kelly hits a bulldog and a stinkface in the corner. Bella comes back and leg whips Kelly. The Bellas tag out and continue working on Kelly's leg. 2 count by the Bellas. Brie continues working on Kelly's leg. Kelly comes back and drops Bella on her face. Eve finally gets tagged in and hits a dropkick and a clothesline. The Bellas double team Eve but she comes back with a neckbreaker. Kelly runs in and takes out the other twin. Eve hits a moonsault on the other for the win.

After the match, Eve and Kelly are celebrating in the ring when Beth Phoenix's music hits. Beth and Natalya come out to the ramp and applaud Eve and Kelly as the two Diva teams stare each other down.

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